Make things happen – Volunteer with NOCI!
Are you looking for a new challenge? Perhaps you’re interested in working for the environment or looking for experience in board governance. Are youa biology or botany student looking for field experience with rare plants? Maybe you just want to help out a local non-profit with like-minded people and make new friends. We have it all here. Volunteering with a non-profit organization like NOCI shows your commitment to your community and in turn makes our community better.
Potential volunteer opportunities:
- Board member (member-at-large)
- Display or event volunteer
- Volunteer co-ordinator
- Field trip leader (May, June, July, August)
- Data input (logbook, orchid sites, other)
- Botanical survey, field work and orchid studies
- Technology adviser (experience with AV equipment, computers, social media, apps, websites, MS Access (or other database) and other computer programs
- Newsletter articles – write articles for the Native Orchid News
- Fundraising projects
- Product inventory manager
Note: All volunteers must be paid-up members of NOCI.