Individual Memberships
- You will have the opportunity to witness, study, photograph and enjoy orchids and other rare plants on our spring and summer field trips.
- You will meet other like-minded orchid-lovers; indeed many of our members are confirmed nature lovers and enjoy all forms of wildlife that are encountered on our field trips. We also hold two member evenings, one in October (Open House) and one in March (AGM) when we are pleased to have local speakers on various plant or conservation-related topics.
- Members of NOCI receive The Native Orchid News, our quarterly newsletter that highlights our activities, upcoming events, and a plant of the month. You may choose to receive your newsletter by mail or, preferably, by email. In accordance with Canada’s Anti-Spam legislation you must agree on the membership application to receive electronic notices from NOCI. Note that paper copies of the December and February newsletters are mailed to all members in good standing to provide the membership renewal form and to fulfil our obligations regarding notification of the AGM.
- You will have opportunities to help us by volunteering at displays (e.g. Manitoba Orchid Society Orchid Show), helping with orchid surveys, leading field trips, or serving as a member of the board. If you are interested in helping out with any of these volunteer roles, please contact the President (
- As a member of NOCI you will be eligible to vote on important issues at our AGM such as elections to the board of directors.
- Finally, your membership dues and donations help us to carry out our projects to protect rare and sensitive plants and their habitat. As we are a registered charity you will receive a tax receipt for any donations $10 or greater. (See Donations).
Group memberships entitle members of groups that have a group membership with NOCI to participate in a field trip (either with just their group, or on a NOCI field trip) without having to pay for an individual membership in NOCI, by showing their valid group membership card at the time of payment for the field trip. For more information about the benefits of group membership, please call 204-223-8209 or email the Membership Chair at
Memberships paid up between January 1st and September 30th are valid until December 31st of that year. Renewals or new memberships paid on or after October 1st will be valid until December 31st of the following year. For more information on membership, please see our Constitution.
Membership Fees
Individual: $25.00
Early Bird Individual: $20.00
Family: $40.00
Group organization: $50.00
Note: Juniors are children under 18 years. For field trips, children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
To become a member, please complete our membership application. Membership purchases are available on our store. You will be prompted for your information in the checkout.
If you prefer to mail in your payment, please fill out the Application form, print and mail along with payment to the address listed below. Please make cheques payable to Native Orchid Conservation Inc. Thank you for joining our group!
Membership Chair
Native Orchid Conservation Inc.
PO Box 40057 Lagimodiere PO
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 4P3
Your donation will help us with our conservation work that involves conducting orchid and rare plant surveys, liaising with the Manitoba Department of Sustainable Development on conservation issues, nominating areas with significant numbers of native orchids and other rare plants for consideration as ecological reserves. As a registered Canadian Charity, registration-number 86816 7198 RR0001, tax-receipts for donations of $10 or greater will be issued in February of the following year. All donations are greatly appreciated.
We are an eligible recipient under the 1% For Orchid Conservation initiative. If your company or society has made the commitment to donate 1% of net revenue toward orchid-conservation, please consider donating that amount to us.
For further information about memberships, renewals, or donations, please contact the President or the Membership Chair at 204-223-8209;, or
If you wish to donate to the Brokenhead Wetland Interpretive Trail please go to
Please be sure to fill out our Donation Form if you are submitting a donation to NOCI as it allows us to send your applicable tax-receipt in February and take any special instructions into consideration. Thank you!