Your donation will help us with our conservation work that involves conducting orchid and rare plant surveys, liaising with the Manitoba Department of Sustainable Development on conservation issues, nominating areas with significant numbers of native orchids and other rare plants for consideration as ecological reserves. As a registered Canadian Charity, registration-number 86816 7198 RR0001, tax-receipts for donations of $10 or greater will be issued in February of the following year. Thank you for your donation!

If your donation is “in Memory of” or “in Honour of” and you’d like a card to be mailed, please tell us about it in the Special Instructions box. If you prefer not to be thanked in any public way, please indicate that in the Special Instructions box.

LOGO-OCC-OnePercentForOrchidConservation We are an eligible recipient under the 1% For Orchid Conservation initiative.  If your company or society has made the commitment to donate 1% of net revenue toward orchid-conservation, please consider donating that amount to us.

If you have donated online via Paypal on our website please fill out the form and hit submit. If you would prefer to mail in your payment please fill out this form and then print this page and mail it along with your donation to the address listed below.

Please make cheque payable to Native Orchid Conservation Inc. and mail it to:

NOCI Treasurer
PO Box 40057 Lagimodiere PO
Winnipeg, MB  R2C 4P3

Native Orchid Conservation Inc. Donation Form

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