Native Orchid Conservation Inc. held its 19th Annual General Meeting on Friday, March 3rd, 2017. Denny Smith was an excellent MC and we moved fairly quickly through the business meeting with Board members giving their reports for the 2016 fiscal year. Claire Normandeau read the Minutes of the 2016 AGM on behalf of Mike James who is recovering from knee surgery.  Five candidates were elected by acclamation for the five BOD spots that needed to be filled. The new directors are

Donna Krawetz, John Dyck, and John Perry (incumbents) and:

Jemma Harrison, Thomas Harrison (welcome to our newest members!)

Peggy thanked Heather Miltenburg and Denny Smith for their service to the Board and NOCI. Peggy Bainard Acheson also stepped down from the Board and as president.  Thanks to the Board and Membership for the lovely tributes and gifts given to me in recognition of my work with NOCI.

After the break Shirley Froehlich from Prairie Originals spoke on the timely topic “Essential Native Plants for Birds, Bees, Butterflies and Pollinators”. With the decline of our native pollinators and honey bees, it is important to know which native plants are essential to have in our gardens as host plants for egg-laying butterflies and insects as well as for food for the larvae and adults. Thanks, Shirley!

Everyone enjoyed the fellowship, raffle and door prizes and especially the amazing refreshments that were prepared by Mary Smith, Lise Reckseidler, and Florence McCoy. Thanks to everyone who helped out at the AGM!