NOCI held its annual Open House on October 28th at the Manitoba Bowls Centre at 1212 Dakota Street. About forty members and guests were in attendance and NOCI was delighted to welcome two guest speakers. Dr. Richard Staniforth started off the evening with a wonderful dissertation entitled “Fine fronds and fiddleheads – stories of Manitoba ferns” outlining the finer details of recognizing our Manitoba ferns. It’s all about the “sori”. Following the break Ryan Wakshinski from Manitoba Sustainable Development and project manager for the Brokenhead Wetland Interpretive Trail (BWIT), captivated us with the story of the construction of the new trail that opened last spring. Well done, both of you – thanks for supporting us.

Before the start and at the break participants browsed the sale tables; Dawn Kitching from Natural Fragments brought her soaps; Nature Manitoba brought a display and promotional materials; NOCI had the new book and pins along with the Bergman prints that are a fundraiser for the BWIT. There were also some nice raffle prizes and door prizes – thanks to everyone who donated.

Thanks to everyone who came out  – without your support we cannot put on these events. I would like to express a special note of thanks to Denny Smith for coordinating this event, to John Neufeld who acted as MC, and to Lise Reckseidler and Mary Smith for donating and organizing the refreshments. Thanks also to all the board members for helping out with the raffle, membership, and sales table and the set up and take down.

Photos by Richard Reeves.